The Wedding of Brigitte Brunelle and Tom O'Connor - Oct 6, 2007
Chilling out the night before with the bride and groom (Oct 5, 2007)
Scott and Lawrence
Scott and Lawrence catch up (Oct 6, 2007)
Tom and Beth
Tom and Beth in their finery (Oct 6, 2007)
Kat, Joanne, and Lawrence
Kat, Joanne, and Lawrence at Dinner (Oct 6, 2007)
Kat, Scott, and Vince
Kat, Scott, and Vince relive the old days (Oct 6, 2007)
PGD Group
The PGD Group through the ages: Bryan, Scott *05, Lawrence *06, Tom O. *07, Tom L., Vince *03 (Oct 6, 2007)
Phil seems excited for some reason (Oct 6, 2007)